I'm back! Ok so I've turned into that guy who has a blog and never updates it. My apologies. My reason, well I've been very busy. Its a good problem to have really. Assisting Jonathan Glapion takes up a good chunk of time not to mention my own personal projects. Now that he's inking 3 books a month, things have gotten super crazy. So, I'm going to attempt to keep up with this thing as best I can but we'll see how it goes.
For your viewing pleasure, this is a piece for my portfolio. This piece is from New X-Men 45. Its page 2 and penciled by the amazing Humberto Ramos. I love inking this cartoony style. I really hope to get to do more of it in the future.

Pencils: Humberto Ramos
Inks: David VanDyke (me)
Tools: Winsor Newton Series 7 miniature and Raphael 8408. Size #1 on both. Deleter Maru nib and Pentel Hybrid Technica tech pen.
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