Friday, August 12, 2011

Been a long time, been a long.....

So its been a while since we last met. Guess I should explain a bit. Basically a ton of things happened in my personal life that took me out of the game for a minute. With that being said, all the turbulence and bad stuff that occurred actually dropped me on my head and woke me up to the life that I had been missing out on. Its funny how once you remove the negatives and start surrounding yourself with positives, things tend to look up and get drastically better. This situation is no different. As much as I hated going through the things I did, I'm in a much better place now. So what does that mean for you crazy cats exactly? Well, I'm focused. I'm a lot more focused. I'm back to being in a state of grinding out work and really progressing my artwork to the next level. I have been so lucky to have the circle of professional friends that I have around. There is one in particular that really builds me up and I'm so grateful for that. So, where do we go from here? Up. Plain and simple. There's not going to be a lot of talk anymore. Just work. I've got a couple paintings to tie up and then its all inking all the time till I climb back to where I want to be. I'll be the first to admit that I got lost along the way and I allowed myself to stray from the path I knew was best for me but I'm back on track and focused and I assure you there's going to be a lot more work flowing from me and with that more opportunities that we can share in together. Ultimately, I want to be apart of amazing teams that do amazing work and tell amazing stories to keep you guys entertained for years to come. Now, I'm back to taking the steps to do that. Before I was walking the path but now I'm at a full on run. So while I apologize for the detour, sometimes a quick trip through hell is the best way to put you back on the correct path. I've made that trip and am back to the path and hopefully you guys will all be coming with me. :D

As always, thanks for the support!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I'm back. For a minute. LOL

Man. Being the type of person who gets super pissed when people don't update their blogs regularly cause I love seeing their work, you'd think I'd be on top of this a lot more. Well I'm not. Truth be told, I forget that I have it. Trying to keep up with a million different pages is quite the task. LOL But once again I will promise to do better.....and probably won't. :D

So, what has been going on. Well a lot actually. Been doing a lot of drawing recently. I really felt that my inking was suffering from a lack of knowledge on the drawing side of things so I made the decision to start really pounding the sketchbook and brushing up. Have to say that I'm quite pleased with the results and it has been very refreshing doing something thats familiar but "new" in the sense that I haven't done it in a long long time. It reminds me how much art and music are similar. When starting out, you struggle to draw a picture or play an instrument. But after hours and hours of practice, you begin to acquire the skills to pull off what you're attempting to do. Then, the better you get, the more fun it is because you can do the things that are in your mind. It really becomes and extension of your mind and allows you to express yourself in a different and new way. So yeah, been drawing a bunch. Now coming back into inking and my mind can process the information on the page a lot easier.

Aside from that, I've got some new sketch card samples that I'll be throwing up online by the end of the week as well as some new pages I've inked. I've had a ton of equipment issues recently so I'm in full blown, find any work available to make a dime so I can start replacing things. LOL Such is life. So I will have some updates by this weekend. Along with that, I'm working on co-writing a rewrite on the feature film I wrote a couple years ago as well as my original graphic novel. So stay tuned cause there will be a ton of updates coming. Right now I'm finishing everything up and getting things organized so that the right things can be posted on the correct days.

Well thats all for this time kids. Sorry its so short but its back to work for me. I promise more updates in the coming weeks and a concerted effort to focus more time, attention, and resources to this blog.

Thanks for reading!